2021 MOCs and MFRs |
21 LGS 14 MOC Commissioning of T2-C Transformer LH
21 LGS 13 MOC Guidewall Anchor Cables Replacement
21 LGS 12 MOC Reconnection of Bus for T2
21 LGS 11 MFR Unknown Opening of ASW
21 LGS 10 MFR Line Outage for T2
21 LGS 09 MFR Unit Priority2
21 LGS 08 MFR Adult Chinook mortality
21 LGS 07 MOC Unit Outage for T2 A Bushing Replacement
21 LGS 06 MOC Closure of spillbay 8
21 LGS 05 MFR Tailrace Survey Results
21LGS05 attachment 1 NS Fish Morts_2021
21 LGS 04 MOC Unit Priority
21 LGS 03 MOC Unit Outage for T2 Inspection
21 LGS 02 MFR T2 Outage
21 LGS 01 MOC Unit Priority to facilitate debris removal
2020 MOCs and MFRs |
20 LGS 18 MFR - Accidental bypass
20 LGS 17 MOC Line outage to return T2 and Unit 6
20 LGS 16 MOC Powerhouse Roof Repair
20 LGS 15 MFR Spillbay Gate 2 Motor Failure
20 LGS 14 MFR - 6C2 Orifice Liner
20 LGS 13 MFR - Orifice Lights Out of Service
20 LGS 12 MFR - Backflush Air Supply Orifice 1C1
20 LGS 11 MFR - Additional Fish Transported
20 LGS 10 MFR Adult Ladder Cooling Pump Late Start
20 LGS 09 MFR-Transport Fish Released to River
20 LGS 08 MFR Modified ASW Operation
20 LGS 07 MFR Unit Priority to Remove Debris
20 LGS 06 MFR - Flume Mortalities
20 LGS 05 MFR Unit Priority
20 LGS 04 MFR Unit 6 Operational Testing
20 LGS 03 MOC Unit1-Priority-MinGen_20Apr2020
20 LGS 02 MFR Steelhead Mortality
20 LGS 01 MFR Adult Steelhead Mortality
2019 MOCs and MFRs |
19 LGS 14 MOC Nav Lock Leak Repairs
19 LGS 13 MFR Adult fish ladder cooling pump outage
19 LGS 12 MFR Fishway cooling pump outage
19 LGS 11 MFR Adult fish ladder cooling pump outage
19 LGS 10 MOC T1 Outage
19 LGS 09 Doble Testing Modification and ESBS Problems
19 LGS 08 MFR Adult fishway cooling pump outage
19 LGS 07 MOC Early Closure of AWS
19 LGS 06 MFR - Adjustable Spillway Weir Calibration
19 LGS 05 MFR A-Side Direct Load Pipe Plug
19 LGS 04 MFR Primary and Secondary Bypass Due to Raceway Capcity
19 LGS 03 MFR - Debris Spill
19 LGS 02 MFR Sample Holding Tanks
19 LGS 01 MFR AWS Pumps Intermittently Out of Service
2018 MOCs and MFRs |
18 LGS 25 Pull Unit 2 3 intake screens three days early
18 LGS 24 MFR Unit Priority Violation 15kv Bus Ground Fault
18 LGS 22 MFR Unit Priority Violation Through-Bushing
18 LGS 21 MFR Resume Transport
18 LGS 20 MFR Unit Priority Violation
18 LGS 19 MFR Primary Bypass Operation Due to Elevated Mortality likely due to Columnaris
18 LGS 16 MOC Spill Shift_EquipRetrieval Aug2018 Updated
18 LGS 15 Adjustable Spillway Weir Malfunction
18 LGS 13 MFR-FPC Repost
18 LGS 12 MFR Adult ladder cooling pump late start
18 LGS 11 MFR Vertical barrier screen damage
18 LGS 10 MFR Primary Bypass
18 LGS 09 MOC Boat Barrier Debris Spill
18 LGS 08 MFR Partially Plugged Orifice
18 LGS 07 MFR Plugged Orifices
18 LGS 06 MFR Plugged Orifices 1A1 and 1A2
18 LGS 05 MFR Partially Plugged Orifice
18 LGS 04 MOC Fishway cooling pump evaluation
18 LGS 03 MFR SW position change
18LGS02 MFR Unit Priority Violations
18LGS01 Adult Cooling Commissioning
2017 MOCs and MFRs |
17 LGS 20 Extended Ladder Outage Final
17 LGS 19 MOC Doble 500KV and T01
17 LGS 18 Stilling Basin Survey Final
17 LGS 17 MOC Trash Boom and Barrier Installation Final
17 LGS 16 MOC Unit 1 Governer Oil Pump Switch
17 LGS 15 MFR 30% Spill Deviation
17 LGS 14 MOC Unit 6 station service validation testing_After Action Updated
17 LGS 13 Adult Fish Ladder Window Cleaner
17 LGS 12 TSW Crest Height
17 LGS 11 MFR Primary Bypass
17 LGS 10 MFR Emergency Debris Spill
17 LGS 09 MFR Primary Bypass-updated
17 LGS 08 MFR Vertical barrier screen mortalities
17 LGS 07 MFR Orifice Blockage Mortality Final
17 LGS 06 MFR Secondary by-pass mortality Final
17 LGS 05 MFR Separator Smolt Mortality final after action update
17 LGS 04 MFR Adult Steelhead mortality
17 LGS 03 spillbay 5 RTS delayed
17 LGS 02 MOC ReactiveLimitTesting Update
17 LGS 01 Extended Ladder Outage 2017
16 LGS 02 MOC TSW Removal and ASW Installation Updated with decision
2016MOCs and MFRs |
16 LGS 16 LGA Discharge Pipe Plug
16 LGS 12 Change Emergency Gate Closure Fish Guidance Efficiency Study
16 LGS 10 MFR Juvenile Lamprey Mortalities update 25Apr2016
16 LGS 10 MFR Juvenile Lamprey Mortalities 16 LGS 07 MFR Pipe Leak Delayed Juvenile Fish Collection
16 LGS 06 Failure of spillbay 1 tainter brake
16LGS06 attachment 1 Goose Emer Spill Pattern
16LGS05 Unit 5 Priority Change
16LGS04 Little Goose Debris Spill - Update 30 March 2016
16LGS 03 MFR Failure of Fish Pump2 revised
16 LGS 03 MFR Failure of Fish Pump 2
16 LGS 02 MOC TSW Removal and ASW Installation Updated with decision
2015MOCs and MFRs |
15LGS11 MFR elevated juvenile disease rate
15LGS07 MFR Adult Chinook Mortality
15LGS004 MFR adult fishway control system installation
2014 MOCs and MFRs |
14LGS12 Installation of Power Transformer
14LGS11 re-install cooling water discharge valve
14LGS09 MFR debris spill forebay
14LGS08 MFR spill gate 7 OOS
14LGS07 MFR Fish Loss VBS Tear
14LGS06 MFR 2817 Barge Taken Out of Service
14LGS04 Navlock outage
14LGS02 MFR Forebay trash shear boom failure
14LGS01 MFR Adult Fish Collection Channel NPE NSE Weir failures
2013 MOCs and MFRs |
13LGS12 MFR Emergency Debris Spill
13LGS10 MFR Juvenile Chinook mortality 13 Sept 12
13LGS09 MFR Adult Chinook mortality 13 Sept 10
13LGS07 MFR TSW end of season removal
13LGS05 Bathymetric Survey
13LGS04 Emergency Debris Sprill
13LGS03 Gatewell 2A fish morts
13LGS02 Adult Fishway Auto Control Failure
2012 MOCs and MFRs |
12LGS04 EDG installation and testing
12LGS03 T2 Doble Test
12LGS02 Navlock fish morts
12LGS01 Navlock Fish Morts
2011 MOCs and MFRs |
111211 LGS Primary Dewaterer
111003 LGS JFF Operations changes